Friday, September 21, 2012

Baby Safety!

When I'm lying in bed at 3am, 9/10ths of the way asleep with a nursing baby in my arms, I swear I think of the most interesting blog posts in the world. Words and sentences swirl around in my mind, presenting themselves in unique combinations and thoughts. I think to myself, of course I will remember this! How wonderful my mind is!

And then I fall asleep the last 10th of the way, only to be awoken as the baby fusses for more milk. And anything I had thought of is gone and all I can think about is how my body feels surprisingly well rested-ish but my eyes feel like someone replaced them with sandbags.

So that being said, I have no unique perspectives to impart on you all today.

Let's talk about baby safety. I'm pretty sure it's been said before, but how DID people survive in the previous century? I haven't came across one piece of baby gear that isn't covered in more safety warnings than blank space. Our car seat alone has at least five - I say at least because I haven't bothered to flip it over, but I suspect if I do, I'll find another safety warning.

Everything you buy for babies can be used against them and those safety warnings let you know. Sure, you buy the car seat because it's the law and because it's the safest way to travel with your little baby, but then the car seat lets you know that it can kill your baby in several non-car related ways.

Or you buy a stroller. One false move and, that's right, dead baby.

Or a baby carrier. God forbid you don't use your baby carrier perfectly, because there's a wall of text assuring you that this baby carrier can, in fact, kill your baby.

Did it always use to be this way? I mean, I know that kids used to ride in cars without - the horror - seat belts! But besides that, were new parents always showered with so many scary possibilities of baby death? It just seems unkind.


  1. I love how funny your blog posts are - really brightens up my mid day Friday morning, or any other morning that you can squeeze a moment of online presence onto the world. :)

    Also, my favorite are the big plastic bins with the warning on the lid - don't put your baby in a big plastic bin. It's amazing that that warning had to be made, makes me laugh every time.

  2. I love how funny your blog posts are - really brightens up my mid day Friday morning, or any other morning that you can squeeze a moment of online presence onto the world. :)

    Also, my favorite are the big plastic bins with the warning on the lid - don't put your baby in a big plastic bin. It's amazing that that warning had to be made, makes me laugh every time.

  3. I love how funny your blog posts are - really brightens up my mid day Friday morning, or any other morning that you can squeeze a moment of online presence onto the world. :)

    Also, my favorite are the big plastic bins with the warning on the lid - don't put your baby in a big plastic bin. It's amazing that that warning had to be made, makes me laugh every time.

  4. I have no idea why that comment published 3 times.
