Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Time-Wasting Powers, Activate!

Let me tell you about a webcomic I read daily. You could read it daily too! It's called Dumbing of Age.

I had started by writing down a list of reasons to recommend this, but it got pretty long, and your time is better spent checking out the archives rather than read what I have to say.

Dumbing of Age, written by David Willis, is the somewhat autobiographical story of a young Fundamentalist Christian named Joyce going to college away from home after being homeschooled her whole life. If I'm losing you with that, wait around just a moment! Willis writes a huge and diverse cast, and if one character doesn't agree with you, you're certain to find another who does.

Maybe it's Mike, a jerk who doesn't sugarcoat anything. Joyce pays him to chaperone her first date at college, with hilarious results.

Maybe it's Dina, the incredibly shy and passive dinosaur lover. (I feel compelled to note, after Cracked.com profiled those dinosaur erotica books that Dina does not lust for dinosaurs, but is an aspiring paleontologist.)

Maybe it's Ethan, a Jewish -- Actually, it probably is Dina. People really love Dina.

Anyhow, the story follows a cast of at least thirty people through both hilarious and serious situations. If you appreciate that one day a hairstyle can be the punchline to a joke and the next day it can be used to discuss the racial implications of straightening one's hair, then you'll probably enjoy this strip.

 There are, also, occasional hard-hitting amounts of FEELS. (I guess that's how people describe emotional scenes now?)

I have been reading David Willis's webcomics for years now. While other webcomics come and go on my radar, he is consistently hilarious and amazing and I feel confident saying that it's worth checking out.

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